Signers of the Declaration of Independence
This app remembers those men who pledged "our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor" when they signed the Declaration of Independence. It has the following features:
1. The Declaration of Independence was originally written on a large parchment and appears to most modern eyes to be one long paragraph. It also used the spelling conventions of its day. I have reformatted it into an easier to read modern format. Click on the "Read It" button to read the document and see the signer's signatures. They signed the document in groups organized by their respective colonies.
2. If you click on any signer in the list you will be taken to a page containing a brief biographical overview of that signer's life.
3. More detailed biographical information can be reviewed by tapping on the "Biographical Information" button at the bottom of that page.
4. The "Gravesite Location" button at the bottom of the same page will take you to map showing the location of the signer's burial site. The map has another button you can tap to get detailed driving directions to that grave should you wish to visit it. An internet connection is required for obtaining in-depth biographical information or driving directions. Please make sure you have your Wi-Fi or Cellular Data turned on.
5. The app will initially ask your permission to use your location, which it needs to process driving directions. If you decline, you can activate this feature later by going to Settings -> Privacy -> Location Services and turning on the "While Using" setting for both the "Signers" and "Maps" apps. If the app begins to misbehave, make sure none of these settings have been changed since you last used the app. You may need to reactivate the permissions and then restart the app.
5. This app does not collect any user location information for any purpose except to get directions to burial sites. The user's location is never stored locally or remotely, nor is it provided to any third party. (In short, I could care less where you are and I am not some low-life going to sell your personal information.)
6. Please note, some of the signer's remains have been moved in the past from their original burial site and reinterred at a second site. This app only presents the information on their final resting place. In addition, some signer's burial sites are only an approximation because their original marker was lost or, perhaps, never existed. Almost all of the burial sites have a small monument or plaque to commemorate that signer. One signer, Thomas Lynch Jr., was lost at sea and, therefore, has no burial information.
![](files/6.5Simulator Screen Shot2A.png)
Please use the contact page to send any comments, suggestions, or rants to me. I would greatly appreciate any new questions pertaining to any President to include in any future updates.
This app is now available on the Appstore.
This app remembers those men who pledged "our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor" when they signed the Declaration of Independence. It has the following features:
1. The Declaration of Independence was originally written on a large parchment and appears to most modern eyes to be one long paragraph. It also used the spelling conventions of its day. I have reformatted it into an easier to read modern format. Click on the "Read It" button to read the document and see the signer's signatures. They signed the document in groups organized by their respective colonies.
2. If you click on any signer in the list you will be taken to a page containing a brief biographical overview of that signer's life.
3. More detailed biographical information can be reviewed by tapping on the "Biographical Information" button at the bottom of that page.
4. The "Gravesite Location" button at the bottom of the same page will take you to map showing the location of the signer's burial site. The map has another button you can tap to get detailed driving directions to that grave should you wish to visit it. An internet connection is required for obtaining in-depth biographical information or driving directions. Please make sure you have your Wi-Fi or Cellular Data turned on.
5. The app will initially ask your permission to use your location, which it needs to process driving directions. If you decline, you can activate this feature later by going to Settings -> Privacy -> Location Services and turning on the "While Using" setting for both the "Signers" and "Maps" apps. If the app begins to misbehave, make sure none of these settings have been changed since you last used the app. You may need to reactivate the permissions and then restart the app.
5. This app does not collect any user location information for any purpose except to get directions to burial sites. The user's location is never stored locally or remotely, nor is it provided to any third party. (In short, I could care less where you are and I am not some low-life going to sell your personal information.)
6. Please note, some of the signer's remains have been moved in the past from their original burial site and reinterred at a second site. This app only presents the information on their final resting place. In addition, some signer's burial sites are only an approximation because their original marker was lost or, perhaps, never existed. Almost all of the burial sites have a small monument or plaque to commemorate that signer. One signer, Thomas Lynch Jr., was lost at sea and, therefore, has no burial information.
![](files/6.5Simulator Screen Shot2A.png)
Please use the contact page to send any comments, suggestions, or rants to me. I would greatly appreciate any new questions pertaining to any President to include in any future updates.
This app is now available on the Appstore.